
NING Eskola 2.0

NING Eskola 2.0 is an interesting web site where anybody can find information about the Education 2.O


Whale Shark

Diving: Yap's Shark & Manta magic

The following video was shot by the film maker and producer Bill


Jim Abernethy

Jim Abernethy is the owner of Jim Abernethy's Scuba Adventures that runs scuba charters in the Bahamas and Palm Beach, Florida. His Bahama boat "Shear Water" specializes in shark expeditions as well as dolphin and photography expeditions.

The following video was filmed and edited by SharkStephan.


Nire lehen urratsak

Carlos Suarez-ek, Kanari Uhartetako urpeko argazkilariak, dordoka bati atatako argazki dotorea.